<li>Rewrote much of the code to use Track Sets.<br>
<li>Added ability to edit Track Sets. Specific features related to Track Sets are: New set, delete set, change default set, edit set order, edit set content, random set order, sort set order, full set order, generate sets for copying CDs to tape, print out tape covers (needs Quickdraw GX)<br>
<li>HTML help introduced<br>
<li>Main window's position is now remembered<br>
<li>Cruel shareware payment enforcement implemented (forces order form to be printed each time miniCD starts <b>or</b> waits for 15 to 60 seconds, depending on how many days you have had miniCD for.) Enforcement is only used if you have had miniCD for more than 30 days.<br>
<li>Track progress bar added. Shows seconds elapsed and proportion of track played<br>
<li>Now recognises data CDs and no CD's. Updates window to indicate disk type to user.<br>
<li>New graphics.<br>
<li>Located and fixed obscure bug that caused CD to stop playing when windows in other apps are opened or closed.<br>
<li>Added 'rename tracks' feature. This lets you set the names of each track. These are stored in a file in the system folder. Other applications, such as Apple's CD player, use the same file.<br>
<li>Changed the window definition function slightly to work properly with Colour Quickdraw.<br>
<li>The program uses 40K instead of 50K! A full 20% decrease!<br>